The Seers Anointing

The Seers Anointing is so crucial in this time in history; God is activating proficiency for the Seers Anointing.

Living through the stigma – Part 2 – The Integrity of the prophet and prophetic ministry

In my last article “Prophetic Integrity” we talked about how the prophetic has been perceived and the need to raise a standard of Integrity so that we honour God and represent His nature correctly.
I want to follow on from there but highlight the integrity of the role of the prophet.
There are realms of authority in the prophetic that we need to be aware of because we need to be careful that we do not function in something that God has not given us. God appoints a prophet; not man and not one self. God may use other mature ministers – apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers, and pastors to appoint or commission a prophet. This will then be confirmed many times by other seasoned ministers. –

Living through the stigma – Part 1 – Prophetic Integrity

When people hear the word “prophetic”, they can have very different understandings of what the word means depending on their background, teaching and beliefs.
Some people have had very good experiences with prophetic ministry. They have experienced encouragement and empowerment. They’ve seen prophetic ministry as an effective way to equip and develop the body of Christ. Some people, however, have seen the prophetic used in an ungodly manner and therefore, have not had good experiences. This has led to uncertainty and even to fear. They either have strong reservations about prophetic ministry or prefer to avoid it altogether.
People who have not seen a lot of prophetic ministry in action have very little idea of what prophecy is or what to expect. They may have a limited understanding of whether or not it’s for today. They may also have doubts about what the Bible actually teaches about the prophetic, except perhaps what their denomination has taught about end time prophecy.
I have written this article for the very reason that everyone has a different perception about prophetic ministry depending on their background and what they have been taught. –